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Discover more about Tanzania Parks!


All the parks in Tanzania: where they are, why visit them, what are the best months to see animals and for birdwatching.

Visit the pages dedicated to Northern parksSouthern parks and Remote parks.

Further information with descriptions, maps, distances, places of interest, taxes and lots of other useful information to guide your choice!

Entry to the National Parks in Tanzania is allowed to licensed off-road vehicles of local tour operators with a valid license. The paths of the safaris are strictly bound to the trails. The strict regulation of parks has the laudable aim of safeguarding the inestimable natural heritage and supporting the local economy. The “DIY tourism” presents many unknowns and therefore becomes difficult to practice. With us, local tour operator with Italian participation, you can realize your dream of a tailor-made safari! Contact us

I parchi della Tanzania

Tanzania has succeeded in harmonizing the growth of tourism with the conservation of its wild nature and its culture peacefully tribal: a land where the natural cycle of life, so admirably represented by the eternal migration of the herds followed by their predators, it crosses with the history of a people, expression of the harmonious coexistence between the cultures of its many tribes.

About 20% of the wild animals of the African continent have lived for tens of thousands of years in this area of ferocious beauty, wild and rich in different environments: forests and savannahs, lakes and mountains, highlands and beaches, islands and sea.

In this wonderful land, rich in natural parks like no other African country, you can see all the Big Five: the lion, the leopard, the rhinocero, the elephant and the buffalo.

Tanzania’s parks are not just tourism areas! They are the spearhead of a large national plan that has placed a quarter of its surface in protected reserves.

The national authority TANAPA – Tanzania National Park contains 22 national parks, after that, in 2019 and 2020, new areas have entered under its jurisdiction. Among these also the ex Selous, which was renamed Nyerere, in memory of the president “master” for the nation of Tanzania. With the inclusion of the Selous the main parks in Tanzania are all National Parks. Only the Ngorongoro has a dedicated jurisdiction, called the Conservation Area.

Other protected areas are the Game Reserve and the Wildlife Management Area, often adjacent to the National Park.

Parchi della Tanzania Serengeti

The Northern parks are the most accessible and the best equipped for tourism, but this does not make them less wild and fascinating, especially if enhanced by a good guide, able to accompany you in remote areas, thanks to the considerable extension of the areas open to safaris and to the numerous traced paths passable in jeep. Two of these parks have been declared a World Heritage Site: the spectacular Ngorongoro Conservation Area, with its caldera inhabited by almost all the variety of animals in Tanzania, and the immense Serengeti National Park, where the most great migration of the continent takes place.

The less frequented Southern Parks offer a different variety of landscapes. The Selous, even larger than the Serengeti (but with an area open to safari very circumscribed), recently joined the National Park with the name of Nyerere, and Ruaha are also the most easily reachable destinations from the marine resorts of the Indian Ocean and Dar es Salaam.

The Remote parks are more challenging to reach and offer more exclusive experiences, such as the thrill of meeting chimpanzees, the primates closest to man.

Visit the pages dedicated to the Northern parks, the Southern parks and the Remote Parks to find all the information about the parks of Tanzania and a page of deepening for each park.

For information on transit fees and park accommodation, already included in the price of our safaris, visit the Park Fees page. The system of taxation of tourism in the parks of Tanzania is the necessary contribution to the conservation of an uncontaminated and wild natural heritage, of inestimable environmental value.

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