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Duration 8 days

Max.6 participants

base 6 people

High Season

From 2,070 USD

today equal to

1.906 EUR pp

base 2 people

High Season

From 2,680 USD

today equal to

2.468 EUR pp

Join us for 8 emotional days of safari dedicated to historical sites!

8 days safari dedicated to visiting historical sites. We will be surrounded by the wind of history passing through Olduvai Gorge, Laetoli, Lake Natron (with the footprints of Engare Sero), Kondoa (rock paintings) without missing the wonders of the Tarangire National Park and the fascinating tribes.

Every day will be a unique experience in which we can not wait to accompany you! We will take care of you, at any time of the day and check that the facilities you choose meet all your expectations. During the safari you will always have water, cold drinks and snacks. All meals are included. Our guides will be happy to answer any of your questions and to satisfy, as far as possible, your every desire.

We staff will be available for any need from your arrival at the airport to departure.

For any information do not hesitate to contact us! Below the map you will find the detailed program day by day.

Itineraries, services and prices are to be understood as purely indicative, as estimated on the basis of standards and average prices that can only be confirmed at the time of the estimate.

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travel plan

click on (+) to find out all the details day by day

Day 1 - Transfer from Kilimanjaro Airport, welcome, excursions in the area and overnight in Karatu

Arrival at JRO airport where you will find our staff to welcome you; if there is availability of time, we will accompany you in the visit to the city of Arusha. We will then move to Karatu for dinner and overnight.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: golfino for the evening
  • Airport-Karatu transfer about 3 and a half hours
  • full board in the hotel

Day 2 - Ngorongoro and Olduvai gorge - overnight in Karatu

Upon awakening and well recharged we will reach the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. We will take a leap into the past by stopping at the Olduvai Gorge, an archaeological site where hominid footprints dating back to 3.5 million years ago were found. The entrance to Olduvai Gorge also includes a visit to the Shifting Sands, a magical magnetic sand dune that arrived here from Ol Doinyo Lengai, the sacred mountain overlooking Lake Natron. We will then stop at the footprints of Laetoli, where there is the famous walk of 3 individuals imprinted in the solidified volcanic ash of the nearby Sadiman volcano. The dating takes us back to 3.65 million years ago and shows us that these our extinct ancestors practiced bipedism as we modern men! After we will return to Karatu for the overnight.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: safari but especially in the morning temperatures can be rigid so it is recommended a duvet and long pants, bandana and hat, amulet.
  • moving Karatu-Ngorongoro Conservation Area 1 hour and 20 about
  • lunch box/dinner at the accommodation

Day 3 - Visit to Engaruka and a Masai boma - accommodation in Lake Natron

After breakfast we will head to Lake Natron. In the middle of the long journey we will make a stop in Engaruka, and then discover the customs and traditions of the proud Masai people, visiting a characteristic boma.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: safari, hat, sunscreen, sunglasses, insect spray
  • Karatu-Engaruka 2 hours/ displacement Engaruka-Lake Natron 2 hours
  • lunch box/ dinner at the accommodation

Day 4 - Lake Natron and footprints of Engare Sero - overnight in Tarangire NP

After breakfast, early in the morning, we will walk together with a Masai guide on the shores of Lake Natron, the only breeding area of flamingos. We will be enchanted by the colors of the waters of the lake, tending to pink, and by the lunar landscape that will surround us: our gaze can only be immediately captured by the majesty of God’s mountain, Ol Doinyo Lengai, that will rise before us. Moving a little further away from the lake we will see well-preserved footprints left in the mud between 5.000 and 19.000 years ago by Homo sapiens. Soon after we will leave for Tarangire National Park. We will begin to discover its beauty: defined the elephant paradise, it is a park full of animals and baobab. Here we will spend the night.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: hiking, sun hat, sunglasses, sunscreen
  • Lake Natron-Tarangire displacement 4 hours and a half
  • lunch box/dinner at the accommodation

Day 5 - Tarangire National Park - accommodation in Kondoa

On this day we will continue the game drive inside the Tarangire National Park, where we will reach the swamp area, less touristy and frequented area of the park. Then we will head to Kondoa, where we will sleep.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: safari, dust bandana, insect spray, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen
  • Tarangire gate-Kondoa displacement about 2 hours
  • lunch box/dinner at the accommodation

Day 6 - Cave paintings of Kondoa - overnight in Kondoa

In the morning we will leave to reach the site with the cave paintings of Kondoa-Solo. These bring us back to a past much closer to us but equally fascinating. Not always easily accessible, they have preserved for thousands of years the figurative testimonies of the life of some tribes that lived in these territories: the Sandawe and the Rangi.
The representations are many and very well preserved and, also through the words of the guide, magically emerge from the past men, animals, rites, dances, stories, passions and feelings. Overnight in Kondoa.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: convenient hiking for walking
  • moving Kondoa-cave paintings half an hour
  • lunch box/dinner at the accommodation

Day 7 - Visit the Sandawe and Datoga tribes - accommodation in Kondoa

After breakfast we will take a dirt road that will take us to know the Sandawe tribe, tribe of hunters. In the afternoon we will discover the Datoga, shepherds like the Masai, but also skilled blacksmiths who work iron and brass. The visit to the tribes, in addition to enriching our journey, contributes to improving their living conditions. Finally we will return to Kondoa for dinner and overnight.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: safari, dust bandana, insect spray, hat, sunglasses and sunscreen
  • moving Kondoa-tribe 2 hours approximately for each village
  • lunch box

Day 8 - Return to Arusha - JRO airport transfer for return to your country or departure by sea extension

For the last day we will return to Arusha: the activities depend on the time of your flight. Then we will move to Kilimanjaro International Airport for the return or for the sea extension.

Practical information

  • recommended clothing and equipment: convenient for the flight
  • Kondoa-JRO Airport transfer about 5 hours
  • lunch box

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